
How to Manage Own Skills

The project enables employees and unemployed people to identify, review and self-assess their competence, skills, knowledge and gave them an opportunity to make a career within the Tourism sector. Additionally the project provides support to Tourism business owners, Human Resource managers as well as trainers in the process of recruitment of personnel and to achieve business development.

Project objective: To provide innovative instruments for successful career development·in the Tourism sector, and developed tests for Human resource managers’· which can be used for an effective recruitment of appropriate personnel.

Project aims:

  • To improve the quality of VET practices by carrying out a research and producing  a report on a comparative study between 4 partner countries' vocational guidance, self-guidance and counselling policies and to exchange good and effective practice at all levels.

  • To design a tool for self-vocational  guidance which complements LLL,  LL professional and self-development and implement it as aim quality assessment procedures and systems;

  • To design training for trainers and counsellors in tourism sector thus improving the quality of VET training systems in the sector;

  • To provide quality indicators in tourism sectors job positions by developing  job profiles in this sector

  • To develop, pilot and re-develop support materials ;

  • To pilot the quality assessment procedures(self-guidance tool· and· trainers training) and elaborate quality indicators

  • To raise qualification and motivation, thus providing quality of VET practices and systems of those already employed within the tourism industry

  • To evaluate the system and develop recommendations regarding its continuation and implementation by organisations outside of the project partnership.

  • To design strategies, programmes and materials to be transferable to other target groups.

  • To link with SMEs ·in order to i) raise awareness of the project, ii) get feedback, iii) establish, if possible, a link between continuing professional development strategies and vocational guidance.

  • To design workshops, seminars and sessions which cater for the needs of the target groups in content timing and frequency and which will respond to changing needs. To widely disseminate the outcomes of the project to relevant individuals and organisations, thus enabling the further sharing of experience and ensuring long-term national and European impact.

The main target groups of the project are:

  • Unemployed people who wish to find a professional realisation in the tourism sector;

  • Already employed people, who wish to obtain additional professional knowledge and skills;

  • Trainers with interests in the field of tourism;

  • Training and vocational guidance organisations.



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