SIC Greek Results
Overall situation
The result of questionnaire is I believe a true reflection of the competences of Managers in Greece. If we compare the results with other managers in Europe that partook in this study we can confirm that Greek managers from a general point of view are slightly above the average in most cases.
The results are also a true reflection of how Managers from Mediterranean countries think and operate vs. managers from Northern Europe and Lithuanian. The groupings are consistent with previous research done.
Greece’s results do not show any significant difference from other countries which highlight that the managers in Greece are very different. Greece leads the way in areas such as proceeding competence, empathy (which is cultural), communication and initiative. The explanation of these results lies in the upbringing of Greeks and the changing attitudes towards work.
Item | Really significant? | How often do you have? |
Mean· (Possession of vision) | 2,49 | 2,27 |
Mean· (Openness to changes) | 3,17 | 2,88 |
Mean· (Innovativeness) | 3,59 | 3,29 |
Mean· (Decision making) | 3,93 | 3,72 |
VID (Inspiring motivation ) | 2,75 | 2,53 |
Mean (Initiative) | 3,38 | 3,13 |
Mean· (Empathy) | 3,71 | 3,49 |
Mean· (Self-presentation ) | 3,91 | 3,82 |
Mean (Goal seeking) | 2,93 | 2,93 |
Mean (Proceeding competence ) | 3,52 | 3,52 |
Mean (Learning, improvement) | 3,90 | 3,90 |
Mean (Knowledge management) | 2,62 | 2,45 |
Mean (Team work) | 3,29 | 3,09 |
Mean ( Communication) | 3,68 | 3,59 |
Mean (Conflict management) | 3,96 | 3,89 |
The above chart summarises the results of the questionnaire results in Greece, the significant factor that we determine from these results is that there is very little difference of what managers think is really significant compared to the actual.
The results prove that where Greek manager’s fail/not up to standard is as follows (in order of lowest to highest):
Possession of vision
Knowledge management
Inspiring motivation
Openness to changes
Goal seeking
This is a cultural aspect where the thinking was ‘’tomorrow is another day’’, and I think that the Greeks have perfected the Just-in-Time (JIT) concept. Knowledge management is where Greek managers fail miserably, this is not only Greek managers but Greece as an Economy are behind most EU counties and this is reflective in this result, the Greek government is driving forward initiative to improve technology skills and internet access to all in Greece which will have a major impact on Knowledge management and knowledge transfer, where at the moment it is not at all available.
In conclusion, the results are indication that Greek managers and companies are moving in the right direction and this has only happened in recent years, where by Greece has joined the EU common market and out of need either legally or by the need to remain competitive they have had to change for the better. New Managers coming to the market place realise that having 30 years of working experience does not make you a better or more competent manager but only a manger with 30 years of experience.
The results are refreshing but Greek managers should take a good look at these results and see where they make improvements especially in areas mentioned above.
Classification of SIC
As mentioned above Greek managers are grouped together with other Southern Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria. This in line with thoughts voiced earlier on in this report that Southern Mediterranean managers think act and work in similar lines. Hereby managers like to work in teams and like the security part of their job and will take decisions that are popular rather than those that are strategic, Greek managers take advantage of the ‘’filotimo’’ which in effect means play o the persons conscious and pride in his work· rather than use other means.