The VUPA project is addressed to managerial staff – chief executives playing a crucial role in public administration units especially that this position requires specific skills, professional qualities and relevant work experience. This professional group unanimously expressed desire for permanent training and complementary education.
The VUPA will bring together distance learning methodologies (teaching on-line and/or via electronic mail) and activities of regular on-site training (especially individual e-consultancy provided by experts in selected disciplines holding· position of a·tutor).
In order to achieve the VUPA objectives, the project consist of preliminary phase, platform content preparation, testing and improvement phases.
The preliminary stage will effect with detailed specification of roles and tasks of all parties concerned, methodological work out of questionnaires (to be filed in by all public administration units located in selected regions in all project partner countries concerned). Further on the survey will serve as a basic input into the phase of training content and methodology development.
The second phase focuses on e-training content preparation based on the target group training needs analysis. It is expected that due to specific nature of duties and responsibilities effected by public servants, the e-training program should be based on problems ensuing from complexity of legal regulation and/or constantly changing economic condition. At this respect the educational content of the e-training design will be a subject of constant improvement and further amendments according to changeable target group training needs. Content materials will be prepared in languages of all countries represented in the project and obligatory translated into English.
During the testing phase training content will have to be verified in practice. All partners will test the educational content among public administration units by means of offering them access to the VUPA on their website. In case any necessary corrections of the VUPA instrument appear in the test phase, the improvement stage is provided.
It is worth to mention that the VUPA project and the idea of Leonardo da Vinci Programme will be permanently disseminated by means of various instruments and methods along entire duration of the project.
·Expected project duration - 30 months.